Last updated : February 3, 2009


Boothby Pagnell Parish Meeting

Minutes of Ordinary meeting  held on

Tuesday 12th December 2006 
Keith Smith, Peter Williams, Pam & Mike Collier, Margaret & Ken Exton, Audrey Roberts, Elizabeth Clarke, Pauline Haw, Deidre Collins, Trevor Hutchinson, Denise Wright, Trevor Connelly-Haywood, Dawn Crawford, Christian Crawford, Gill Taylor, Andrew Usbourne

Neil Thomas, Mr & Mrs Neville Cox, Mr & Mrs Tom Blake, Peter Clarke 

Minutes of previous meeting
The minutes of the meeting held on the 26th July 2005 were read and approved as a true record.  Proposed- Audrey Roberts  Seconded- Pauline Haw.

Matters arising
PW confirmed he had been assured the emergency services had a data base for locating houses in the village.  This being the case it was felt house numbering was not necessary.

Insurance premium
PW explained that the parish meeting did not employ anyone nor did it appear to own any property.  It was therefore hard to see what it needs to have insurance for.  PW asked those present to consider the need for insurance and the unanimous feeling was that it was not necessary.  The meeting voted to continue without insurance.

Proposed-Pam Collier, Seconded-Mike Collier.

Planning Application procedure
PW reminded the meeting of the procedure as adopted last year. Villagers should  watch out for planning notices and if they wish their views to be conveyed through the parish meeting they should pass their views to KS or PW.  If it is apparent the matter is contentious then KS and/or PW will seek an extension to the time limit for comments and organise a meeting at which the planning matter can be discussed.  If anyone feels the need for privacy they can raise the issue themselves directly with Planning at SKDC.

All planning applications for the village can be seen by arrangement with either PW or KS.

Free trees
No application was made for this year’s allocation of trees, but the meeting agreed in future years we should apply for the allocation of 25 small trees and then find homes for them retrospectively.  The meeting authorised PW to position trees at his discretion on the plan of the village that is submitted with the application.

Amenity Freighter/rubbish collection
SKDC will no longer fund the annual rubbish freighter.  It was felt it was still needed and that  prices should be chased up with both SKDC and contractors to find the cheapest method of maintaining this service. This will be discussed at the next meeting.


Neighbourhood Watch
Deidre as co-ordinator for the village would like to share the watch briefings by contacting villagers through email and the web site, but first she will check if this breaches any directives set by neighbourhood watch.

A proposal was approved to make a donation (£30) towards Deirdre’s expenses, and to check if this will make everyone a member of the neighbourhood watch scheme.

Proposed - Ken Exton, Seconded- Elizabeth Clarke.

Speed Indicator
PW brought up a document which had arrived today.  Volunteers were needed to train to operate a speed indicator board.  It was available on application for up to 14 days a year.  KS, PW and Mike Collier volunteered.  KS/PW will seek more information, for example will we need to be insured?

Village bench
Ken Exton raised the issue of the village bench needing painting.  This will be considered at the next meeting.  It was confirmed that the bench was presented to “the village” and is not the responsibility of the parish meeting.

Street Lighting
Pauline Haw pointed out there was a problem with a street light on Ponton Road outside St Andrews View.  KS will chase highways and the phone number will be added to the village web site for future reference.

Meeting closed 9.0pm.